วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Boring people Can't Lose Weight

Type 2 Diabetes :

Some of you reading this will never lose weight: that ½ a stone that you promised yourself you will lose one day, those concentrate of pounds you want to shed before your beach holiday in the Mediterranean. Do you know why?

I can tell you now. It's because you are boring. You are a boring person. Boring. I know that because I was boring too.

Lets see, you start off and you say "yes today is the day when I diet" obviously it's a Monday, all the time is, you get on your new diet and you get your microscopic jacket potato (not too much butter) and you feel virtuous, just ½ a stone to lose, and you work out ooh maybe 4 weeks at the most. Then of course you are starving by 3'o clock because your insulin levels have hit the roof and dropped again manufacture you feel irritable, tired and craving Foood. You plough on and you might even force yourself to get on the treadmill or bike, and after a few days you may have lost 3lbs or so. Well done. But what you have in effect lost is 1½ lbs of fat and 1½ lbs of muscle, but you are lighter so who cares, right?

Type 2 Diabetes :Boring people Can't Lose Weight

But then the sure happens! You give in to temptation. It's someone's birthday at work, you have a few too many white wines and suddenly all things in the fridge becomes fair game. I'll start again on Monday you think, you weigh yourself on Monday and you are the same weight as you were in the first place if not more but remember every time you lose weight in this way you lose fat and muscle, when you gain weight, it's all just fat. So there you are, you weigh the same, but you are now fatter. And the cycle goes on.

But how does that make me boring?

Well basically you lack the imagination to interest your own mind in losing a microscopic weight. Your mind is not concerned in losing a few pounds, your goal is too small, you are not inspired by the distinction it would make to you, if you have more than a few pounds to lose, many of you lack the imagination to even conceive of succeeding. So you don't even bother.

So lets get an appealing goal, give the mind something to grab onto. You are going to transform yourself, let's get in effect excited about this. You are going to be in your all time best shape Ever.

Come on, see yourself in your all time best shape, see yourself transformed in your mind. See yourself in that swimwear finding great on the beach. You can go clothes shopping where all things in the shops looks great on you. You have improbable skin and hair, appealing eyed, you are in effect glowing with health and vitality. See it all in your mind now, pause right now as you're reading this and in effect see the colours, appealing and clear.

Hear citizen colse to you, friends, family, colleagues saying, "Wow what happened to you, you look amazing!" You walk down the high street and bump into an old acquaintance and they can't help themselves exclaim what great shape you are in. "What happened to You? You look in your best ever health!", you hear them say excitedly.

Feel that new lease of power surging through you. You are bouncing around, you are energised, revitalised, you're in effect Alive. You are inspired and this has a knock on ensue in other areas of your life too.

Sounds great doesn't it?

What if I told you, you could transform yourself in just 12 days? It sounds amazing, but that is exactly what I am telling you. If you feel inspired to make the turn then take this in. I have a underground that will make all the difference. As far as I know, no other gym knows about this but I can tell you now.

All you need to do is take control of your hormones. Hormones are superior control centres of the body, they turn girls into women and boys into men. When they decline we come to be weak, frail and old. At any age, once they come to be unbalanced, our body fat increases, lean muscle tissue decreases and all the modern day health problems occur: hardening of the arteries, heart disease, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, etc. How are you working against yourself? naturally by the un-natural diet that you are appealing every day of your life. The root cause of this qoute is that human beings for 99% of our time on the planet evolved on a very dissimilar diet than in the last 0.2% of the time. Our present diet produces too much of the hormone, insulin; while the natural diet returns insulin levels to normal, and suppresses unnaturally high appetites. Excess insulin has been shown to unbalance the hormones and cause the body to move in the direction of fat storage, health problems and permanent aging.

For the first time ever it has been shown possible to reverse aging! In the curative bible, the New England Journal of Medicine, published 5th July 1990, in 6 months men aged 61 to 85 got results equivalent to reversing the aging process by 10-20 years. They lost 14.4% body fat, gained 8.8% lean muscle tone. Their bone density increased, and the liver and spleen grew by 19% and 17% respectively. The study sent shock waves through the world, it was promptly hailed as a fountain of youth.

So, make that decision today to get excited about losing fat (not just weight), putting on some lean muscle tone and look and feel in the best shape of your life. Banish forever the aging process, take control of your hormones, have abundant power and radiate out to other people. You can do this by getting yourself onto a natural hunter-gatherer diet, resistance weight training and using the full power of your mind to get yourself into shape. I was boring once, and decided to go for my all-time best shape, I now feel and look my all-time best.

To find out more information, visit www.fat-loss-review.com [http://www.fat-loss-review.com]

Type 2 Diabetes :Boring people Can't Lose Weight

