วันศุกร์ที่ 25 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Type 2 Diabetes - Testosterone Levels in Diabetics

Type 2 Diabetes :

Sexual difficulties in both males and females have long been known to be part of the complications associated with Type 2 diabetes.

Research legitimately reveals about 35 to 75 per cent of males diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes can expect to suffer erectile dysfunction at some time in their lives. Fifty to 60 per cent of male diabetics above the age of 50 are likely to have difficulties with erections, beginning 10 to 15 years earlier than men without diabetes. Diabetics above the age of 70 have about a 95 per cent chance of having erectile dysfunction.

Researchers at All India create of healing Sciences in New Delhi looked at:

Type 2 Diabetes :Type 2 Diabetes - Testosterone Levels in Diabetics

  • the male hormone, testosterone,
  • insulin levels, and
  • insulin sensitivity

in healthy men associated to population diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, and compared them with the same levels in healthy men without a family history of diabetes.

This single study was reported on in February 2012 in the journal Andrologia. It included:

  • 358 men with Type 2 diabetic parents, and
  • 287 men without a known family history of diabetes.

Testosterone levels were found to be highest in those with the greatest insulin sensitivity and were lower in those with higher levels of insulin resistance. Testosterone levels were bottom in those with:

  • the highest weight for their height,
  • the largest waist sizes, and
  • in those with the highest levels of insulin in their bloodstream.

It appears testosterone levels begin to go down long before full-blown Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed:

  • decreasing insulin sensitivity,
  • being overweight or obese (especially around the abdominal area), and
  • high insulin levels

are all characteristic of diabetes and can be seen, to some extent, before full-blown Type 2 diabetes is underway.

1. Normalizing your weight, retention your abdominal estimation within normal limits (under 40 inches or 100cms), and maintaining good insulin sensitivity, all go a long way in preventing Type 2 diabetes and, according to the above study, are likely to help men to utter normal testosterone levels as well.

2. Eating a well-planned, high nutrient, vegan diet is a good way to normalize weight and ward off high blood sugar levels. Abdominal fat has to do with the regulation of fats and sugar, so it is foremost to keep them under control. Exercises that work the abdominal muscles, such as crunches and full sit-ups, help to firm the abdominal muscles and aid in reducing abdominal fat.

3. Daily exercise is a good way to increase insulin sensitivity. Going for a thirty itsybitsy walk every day instead of watching television can burn off those extra fat and help make your body more sensitive to insulin, therefore lowering your blood sugar level.

Low insulin sensitivity is basically the cause of Type 2 diabetes, so fighting insulin resistance is likely to prevent this form of diabetes as well as those low testosterone levels.

Type 2 Diabetes :Type 2 Diabetes - Testosterone Levels in Diabetics

